busterTests.co.uk is Up! “5”

Even though it's not much, you can still see this lovely splash screen. Hopefully it will give you more of an idea as to what BusterTests is all about... bustertests.co.uk.

5 Comments ~ Post a Comment

Blogger ad: hi,
I'm just wondering what GSCEs are, and what sort of secondary school exams you have to take in the UK...

Blogger Fin: GCSE stands for "General Certificate of Secondary Education". Grades are awarded from A-G with A being the highest. For further and higher education purposes it is usually only those results from A-C that are taken into practical account.

You take them when you are 16 (or 15 for some) years old at the end of your compulsory education in the UK. They are mostly worth nowt if you go into higher or further education, but you must have decent grades in GCSEs to progress to further or higher education.

There are quite a few flaws in the GCSE system at the moment, particularly the interesting Mathematics GCSE that some lower-achievers take, where the highest grade you can get is a D (a fail). That is being fixed that the moment, however, by some 'clever' politicians.

Blogger ad: thanks much :) so they're required, not like APs in the US? (sorry if I'm wayyy too curious.)

Blogger Blogger: hhhm... learn something new everyday... how interesting!

Blogger Blogger: hhhm... learn something new everyday... how interesting!

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