Richard Does It Again! “0”

Believe it or not, Richard, from the much acclaimed "Richard & Judy" TV show on Channel 4, has dropped yet another stinker on live TV!

Now I know it's not much, but it can't be right to say "Do you remember that DYKE we met in America, Judy?" in the early evening in front of millions of housewives and children, can it?

Richard & JudyOf course, he instantly went into "cover-up-the-shame mode" and went on to say how nice she was. Judy was gobsmacked, probably thinking "you stupid bastard", or something along those lines. But really I think that Richard's occasional slip-ups are what really make that programme exciting. Will he or won't he do again it tomorrow? Who knows! You'll just have to tune in!

I would also like as many people as possible to email to complain and demand an apology on TV tomorrow from Richard. I suggest you make out that you are completely disgusted by that language, and that your "children" have already started to repeat it, to your dismay.

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