Sixth Form Induction & Beyond “0”

Today was our Sixth Form induction day. I should have had it yesterday, but I had an Economics exam so I had to do it today.

It went really well, and was reasonably interesting. I had short lessons in Media Studies, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics, which gave us short descriptions of the courses and a varying amount of homework.

I have to say that I feel rather bad about doing Media Studies. It is generally looked down upon, but I have a real interest in the subject and I think that I will probably do well in it (being a web designer etc.).

There were loads of new people at the induction today, mainly from Weston. One thing I was interested in was the way that our tutor groups are now year 12 and year 13, which lets us mingle with the older student and get to understand what "they are going through". It should be a very interesting September.

Until then, however, I plan to keep myself super-busy. I am already developing the new ground-breaking (hopefully) site, which will launch soon enough.

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