Stonehenge. Oh, the Exitement. “2”I won’t say too much about this picture. I took it on Sunday as we passed the spectacle of British heritage. That’s exactly what it was, because British Heritage, the charitable organisation, have decided to fence it off and charge you about £2 to get within 20 metres of it, to my disgust. Hence, the far-away shot. I was hoping for a really amazing angle on it. But my distance stopped that. I’m thinking of buying a telephoto lens for the camera. It should make this kind of thing much better. 2 Comments ~ Post a CommentBlogger: OMG Darl! you're loved by millions! 'tis like your the God of Blog! Can i have your autograph? *blushed giggle* Blogger: here's somethin, you pay £2 to get as close as you want to these 'monuments' and then you find out they're not even cursed. Bummer. (don't listen to strange foreigners) |