More Oneclick Comedy “5”
I've got that Friday feeling! This Friday, why don't you check out the latest addition of Oneclick Comedy.
I've already listened to it, and have to say that it's really good (once again). The very first joke is brilliant, and there's also a good one for the USAians (particularly Kevin, who lives near NY) at around 9 minutes into the programme. 5 Comments ~ Post a Comment*sigh* presses Win+R, enters "iexplore", presses "OK". : What's up with the whole "aerial" exchange (about 6 minutes into it)? lol, completely how I think of British people talking, though. : lol - we make fun of the people that talk like that too. Naturally, living in New York State proper - people from New York City would call it "upstate" - we have a lot of people who move up here from New York City. : Fin: lol - It is good. |