The Photography Game “10”
Okay, people! Let's get motivated here! There isn't much point in me just showing you snaps that I have taken while experimenting with my camera! I need to pretend to be a real photojournalist! I mean, come on!
To all you Americans who are mystified by British (and that's British, not English or You-Kayish), I want to you to start requesting pictures of certain aspects of the area in which I live. Do you really want to know what the local KFC looks like? Or how about an up close peak at Blagdon's lake? Hey, we even have a lovely great big water pump thing (the biggest and oldest for yonks)! Why don't you ask to see that? Or how about a lovely picture of a church (we have three flavours... pick yours)? Or a sneaky shot of the real state of our school? Or the hall in which I preformed a few great plays, including Macbeth, Blah, Blah and etc. Oh, the list could go on! But make it interesting (and doable - nothing that I'll have to go too far out of my way to do, please). There are loads to choose from here, but I want you to pick them, because you lot are the ones who will end up seeing them! My battery is charged and ready, and my memory card is willing and able! So start picking! :P 10 Comments ~ Post a Comment I must say, the real state of your school would be interesting. Hmm, it doesn't have to be KFC, but any local branch of a grossly-oversized fundamentally American chain would be fine. Actually, do you have any commercial centers (oh, yes, American spelling triumphs again!) - I would say mall, but you never know - nearby with some stores? Something relatively clichéd? I'd say your house, but then, I don't know how privacy-oriented you are. There's no chance of me coming over and terrorizing you and your family, of course, seeing as how air travel is prohibitively expensive, but privacy privacy privacy is the name of the game game game nowadays. Repetition is a sign of stupidity. Repetition is a sign of stupidity. (Sorry.) : Which reminds me of a time I was talking to another British internet-acquaintance of mine and made the mistake of saying, in jest obviously, something a long the lines of "God Bless the U.S. and the U.K." and she replied back, somewhat vindictively, signing off with "God Bless the U.S., and God Save the Queen." : Fin: *gasp!* "I only speak AMERICAN!!?!" Maybe a residential street (or, if your village has a "main street", than that) would be neat - I don't think many Americans have a concept of what a real British home looks like. I mean, I can tell you that they're supposedly diminutive compared to what's available in the US - the UK average is something like 76m square in comparison to 204m square in the US. : I'm also compelled to see pictures of residential areas. Shops and commercial areas (malls) would be cool to see too. : lol, almost sounds borderline stalker if you think about it too long. Maybe you should just make a desktop wallpaper-sized image of yourself for all of your adoring fans. :-P : Unknown: I would like to see a picture of a local train/subway station, or bell towers. Also I would like some snaps of the kinds of roads/cars around your area. Great blog - very interesting. Fin: Mr. A. Fool (lol): unfortunately the front door of my house isn't very interesting. At all. Fin: lol |