I have recently discovered a new and distinctly American channel appearing on digital satellite entitled The Wonderful Channel.

I have never, ever, seen such a disgraceful, inglorious use of the media.

It is so absolutely disgusting how they use Christianity as a facade to get hold of (probably poor) people's money. I am utterly shocked at how they shamefully exploit the religious beliefs of Christians to make themselves more powerful.

I honestly think that this is a really worrying use of the media, and hope Ofcom close it down soon.

Give us your money and you are guaranteed to go to Heaven.
- A summary of all "The Wonderful Channel" programming, (Sky 637)

Every time I turn on the Wonderful channel all I see is request for money, NOT for charities or homeless people, or community or good of any kind. Oh no! All this money is entirely for The Wonderful Channel, which really deserves it, given that it say things along the line of "gives us some money and you will feel better", and "Satan has made you poor and cursed your money, give it to us and you will rid yourself of Satan."

Why not take a look at the libidinous bravado for yourself? Sky channel 637.

I would hope they go to hell, but they probably don't believe in it…

4 Comments ~ Post a Comment

Blogger Fin: I have just submitted this complaint to Ofcom:The Wonderful Channel broadcasts constantly programmes which urge views to donate their money to the Wonderful Channel based on biased & incorrect religious grounds. The money does not, I believe, go to charity, but into the hands of the corporation behind the Wonderful Channel. Even the name itself is misleading.

I am deeply disturbed by this misuse of the media, and urge Ofcom to suspend their licence to broadcast.

It is being exploited so powerfully that it is surely right and reasonable to forbid The Wonderful Channel from broadcasting such disturbing texts, not only in the name of Christianity (which I am sure is offensive to followers of that particular faith), but on the ground of common decency in our society and media.

Anonymous Anonymous: I don't doubt you're right - but could you give a specific example?
Sky isn't exactly available in the US after all...

Anonymous Anonymous: No tengo duda - estoy seguro que tienes razón - pero ¿puedes darnos un ejemplo?
Ya sabes, Sky no es exactamente disponible en los EEUU.

Blogger Fin: Sorry Kevin but unfortunately I'm unable to make any kind of direct recording from the channel - and they speak waaaaay too fast for me to write down.

It is certainly American programming, and I am sure it would be on some channel over where you are. There might even be another The Wonderful Channel in the USA.

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