Cheer Up: It's Christmas! “10”Feeling down in the dumps because you've just realized that there are only three weeks left until Chrimbo, and you haven't actually gotten anything for anyone yet? Me too. Ahh well, never mind. Christmas is all about family, and I'm sure mine will appreciate that when I tell them I haven't bought them anything. Yeah, right. How to use the Internet for your own seedy pleasureWhy not cheer yourself up with a few of my picks from the internet during this festive season? 10 Comments ~ Post a CommentFin: Mum-"Oh, alright then" Nice, Fintan. I liked the subtle Mom -> Mum conversion that was going on there. : Fin: It was deliberate. I want you to KNOW that it's Mum, and Mom sounds oh-so-strange when I (or anyone else with anything other than an American accent) says it. Fin: lol Yeah well over here "mom" isn't a word so much as it is a brutal typing mistake. ;) Fin: It's Mother's Day, but when we say it, it tends to sounds like "muther's", because "moffers" (phonetic) doesn't sound too appealing. Yeah, we pronounce it "muther" which is why it's still strange that we say "mom". : And if you don't know what a "your mom" joke is, I'm sorry to hear that. Inform yourself :here. Fin: "Your mom is so dense not even intelligence can escape her." - Aaah. Godda love it! Oh, that's an American idiom, as well. : Fin: Lol yeah I think I saw that one, Kevin :D |