Google Suggest “8”

Google Suggest is this wicked new feature from Google. Try it out.

8 Comments ~ Post a Comment

Blogger Fin: Wicked is my new favourite word.

Blogger Fin: Wicked.

Anonymous Anonymous: Favourite is my new favourite word. It's wicked. Cor blimey. Right.

Blogger Fin: Wow guvna lol.

Anonymous Anonymous: Well, just don't throw me off by using that stupid rhyming slang. It makes me sad.

Anonymous Anonymous: Like saying "Adam and Eve" instead of "believe" - it's a cockney thing.

Blogger Fin: No one ever says anything like that! If they did people would look at them very funny :-D

Anonymous Anonymous: Ah, it's outdated cockney slang.
I'd look at you rather funny if you spoke to me, anyway, seeing as you speak correct - I mean, British - English.
Although "togs" is a bit of a stretch for me.

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