The Day of Hell Went Rather Well “1”

Three hours of media studies in the morning and one and a half hours of statistics at 1.30. I was dreading this, but it actually went really, really well.

In media studies I had to textually analyse five minutes of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (the bit where they're on a hill and Frodo uses the ring). I couldn't remember the man's name, so I refered to him as the 'man'.

The paper on New Media was all about, to my delight, iPods, Apple and loyal consumers who use the Internet to mess bout with their 'ods. Followed by a question asking about industry investment in new media technology, which I answered with the IDEAL example of Podcasting! It fitted the bill perfectly, I tell's ya, and I bet you no one else thought of that one!

Statistics went by very nicely. I was worried I couldn't do anything, but in actual fact I could do everything. Which is great.

My very final exam, physics, is tomorrow. Then the pub.

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Blogger Fin: I've just realized that rhymes!

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