Gmail Spam Filter Starts to Shine “2”
Recently I've noticed how good Gmail's spam filter has been working.
It has been working so well that, unusually, the amount of spam cached in my Spam tray is down to 1273, whereas it was at about 2000 a few months ago. This could easily be just because they remove the spam messages sooner after their determined to be spam, but I like to think spammers are starting to not bother with GMail accounts, perhaps owing to a low click-through rate. I've not seen spam in my sacred inbox for ages now, and I couldn't be happier because of it. Outlook was simply awful for spam, and that's why should I buy a Mac, I will not be using Mail. Even if Mail is supported by Spotlight, I when I used Google Desktop Search and Outlook I never, ever wanted any results from my email. Searching in Gmail is just fine for me. 2 Comments ~ Post a Comment I'm pretty sure that Mail uses essentially the same filter as Mozilla Thunderbird, so if you'd like to get an idea... : Hey, look; :this guy says: |