The Cult of Getting Things Done “4”

What's the rush?

I'll admit, Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity is a rather good book, but not for everyone.

If you are in such a stress over what to do, and you have a real job (not like myself who just has a tonne of spare time), I can see some real benefits. In fact, when I start working wherever I'm quite likely to employ some (not all) of David Allen's advice.

He's obviously got the experience here.

4 Comments ~ Post a Comment

Anonymous Anonymous: I've been wondering about whether this book is any good or not (I get very snowed under and it's usually "home" related important stuff that slides). maybe I should just buy the darn book, it can't be that expensive...

Blogger Fin: You do need to spend an entire (yes, entire) weekend alone at home and work to be able to follow the book precisely. Consider that.

Plus you need to read the damn thing...

Anonymous Anonymous: Do put an "http://" to preface the URL in the a href for the image.
Da link ain't working

Blogger Fin: Done.

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