Welcome Back, The Record Card! “0”
So the Record Card is back! Whoo! Yay! Hoopla!
The template is still being perfected, but you can now take a good look though the pages and see all of the posts you've commented on, and look forward to some revision-fuel'd posts. I've got quite a bit to say, and I've done loads of things since the last time I posted anything (Feb or something), so do subscribe using the handy link at the top, or bookmark. link Better Big Brother News “0”
I love the RSS feed from Digital Spy's BB site. As you'll soon find out...
The New Design “1”
Oooh I bet you're gonna frickin' love it! It's green, blue, grey and has... LABELS! The look of labels, that is. Coming tonight, after I mow the lawn.
I'm Baaack “0”
Hello, everyone. I'm back and I'll continue with the blogging shortly.
email fintan@marketwest.co.uk I'm working on Buster Tests and hope to be able to live off of it at some point :) My Subscriptions
My PodcastsAlso...Archives© Fintan 2004-2005 |