UCAS + Degrees “3”

I went to a UCAS conference at Bath University today not entirely sure of what to do at all.

Now I am certain of the exact course I wish to take.

I will (hopefully) be studying for a Computer Science engineering masters' (MEng) at The University of Warwick, just outside of Birmingham. After the four year course (five years if I choose to take a year in industry, which is likely) I think I will be able to add BEng Warw MBCS to my name! Whoop!

I'm Leaving You “2”

I'm putting a stop to The Record Card.

I don't like the lack of anonymity. I'd like to speak my mind far more than I do, thank you very much.

So I'll be starting up a new one, with a nice new design, completely anonymously.

There will be no hints about The Record Card or any of my sites. Nothing.

Also, I'll send whoever emails me with the correct blog address a big bar of English chocolate, for free.

Sound good?

Bye bye.

You can still email me, though.

Looketh “0”

Rasterbating All Over The Walls “0”

I LOVE the "Rasterbator", and I've finally had a chance to make use of it.

It's really rather good when combined with the school's colour laser printer and guillotine. They're really fun to make, and can cover far larger areas than normal posters.

Coming soon: my very own life poster. I really can't wait for that one :D

Life Is Good “0”

Pulse “0”

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